The photo below is of internet Super Troll Steven Lye,
who posts under the name Steve Diy.
The picture was taken during his days in the
Telford and Welling National Front (NF).
Steven was kicked out of the NF because
he was a loud mouthed know it all
who never knew when to shut his mouth.
His claims that he is now an Anti-Fascist
are ludicrous in the extreme.
Steven 'Seig Heil' Lye
It was during his time in the NF that Steven
became extremely close with Matty Blagg,
who was the Telford & Wellington organisor for the NF.
We will not post any allegatins regarding the closeness
of their relationship, as Matty is now dead and
accussing a dead man of being a Homosexual is unfair.
Steven also has close links to the Blood & Honour scene.
A scene in his anti-fascist blogs he claims are Nazis.
In the letter below, which was written by Steven
he admits having friends in Blood & Honour.
When the picture of Steven Seig Heiling
appeared on Facebook recently.
Steven's initial reaction was to deny it was him.
He quickly back-tracked on this denial
and claimed he was being ironic in the picture.
Steven constantly posts false allegations on the internet.
It is best if people ignore this attention seeking clown.
Because the fact is that's all he is, and all he ever will be.